KTK Technology

Your reliable partner in the field
of industrial and residential automation

Our company is engaged in the distribution of advanced electronics for production lines and buildings, smart home systems, and climate control.

The product range includes panel computers, operator panels, industrial monitors, vpn routers, programmable PLC controllers, and much more.

Our team provides high quality, reliability, and advanced technologies for your business. Learn more about our products and solutions to make your business more efficient and modern.

Our Assortment

Панели оператора
Operator Panels
Контроллеры (ПЛК, PLC)
Controllers (PLC)
Weintek I/O Modules
Шлюзы данных
Data Gateways
Панельные компьютеры
Panel PCs
Промышленные компьютеры
Industrial PCs
Встраиваемые компьютеры
Embedded PCs
Промышленные мониторы
Industrial Monitors
Промышленное коммуникационное оборудование
Industrial Communication Equipment

Equipment from leading manufacturers is always available



Technical Support

We provide prompt and qualified technical support for all products. We offer assistance with installation, configuration, and operation of the equipment, as well as consultations on any technical issues.


KTK Technology guarantees fast and reliable delivery of your orders worldwide. We collaborate with leading transportation companies to ensure timely and intact receipt of products.

Quality Control

Each product undergoes thorough inspection to meet standards and requirements, ensuring maximum reliability and satisfaction for our customers.